
We will keep an updated list of different opportunities here for serving overseas.

Opportunity in Trinidad and Tobago (Mon, Nov 26, 2018)
Trinidad and Tobago is home to over 60,000 Muslims and over 220,000 Hindus. We're looking for new workers who can share their faith with love and respect along with passionate conviction.

Watch this video for more info:

Opportunity in Cambodia (Mon, Nov 13, 2018)
World Team has a small presence among the unreached Western Cham in Cambodia, but we need more people willing to reach these Muslims for Christ. Learn more HERE or download a 30-Day Prayer Guide. Contact Jeannie.Hartsfield@worldteam.org for more information.

2019 Short Term Opportunities (Mon, Oct 29, 2018)
World Team is offering several short term opportunities this next year all around the world. Some of these opportunities qualify for college credit. Check them out!

  • Cameroon – Ethnomusicology research or 6-week opportunity eligible for college credit in agriculture, children’s ministry, community development, intercultural studies, or linguistics.
  • France – Paris Prayer Connection, 4-6 weeks studying French in a university, or 3-weeks of hands-on ministry.
  • Philippines – 2 weeks ministering in Manila alongside a Filipino house church & Happy Family ministry.
  • Spain – 6-weeks eligible for college credit helping host a youth basketball and English camp, providing hospitality, and attending a prayer event. 
For more information click HERE or email: RogerLaing@worldteam.org.

Cameroon needs teachers! (Wed, Sept 19, 2018)
There is a school in the capital (Yaounde) which teaches missionary kids (including ours!). They are looking for more teachers for 2019-2020. Specifically they are looking for a:

  • Preschool Teacher
  • Kindergarten Teacher
  • Grade 1/2 Teacher
  • Grade 3/4 Teacher
Visit the FES Facebook page for more info: https://www.facebook.com/TheGreenhouseFES/

Here is a video discussing the need:

World Team Haiti would like some help (Mon, Sept 17, 2018)
This is something that my friends in the States might be able to help with. WT Haiti would like some help (especially from younger tech-saavy people) knowing how to offer relevant mobilization information in an attractive way. Do you know someone who could assist them in this way? Contact sean.christensen@worldteam.org.
The Germany field is now open for new missionaries (Fri, Aug 31, 2018)
World Team is looking for people to do Evangelism & Discipleship, Networking, Church Planting, and Refugee Ministry in Germany. Click HERE for more info.
Looking for Oral Bible Story-ers in Cameroon (Tue, Aug 7, 2018)
Know a good communicator who loves to help people learn and share God’s Word? Oral Bible Story-ers are needed in Cameroon. Click HERE for a snapshot of what training  might look like. Contact stacey.hare@worldteam.org for more info.
Long-term opportunities in Italy (Mon, May 14, 2018)
Culturally Catholic, only 1.3% of Italians have found new life in Jesus Christ. World Team Italy would like to establish three new church planting teams to do evangelism, training, networking, and outreach to immigrants. Click for overview and more details or email info-europe@worldteam.org.
Interested in serving in Central Asia? (Wed, May 2, 2018)
World Team is looking for English teachers, professionals, and Business-as-Mission personnel for creative access ministries. Click HERE for more info.
Another opportunity to serve as church planters in Cameroon (Tue, April 17, 2018)
Church planters are needed among the Fulbe of Cameroon. People with practical skills (health lessons, agriculture, small business, women's/children's ministry) are needed as well as those gifted in evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training. Contact WT-Cameroon.fd@worldteam.org for more information.
Opportunity to serve as church planters in Cameroon (Wed, Mar 21, 2018)
World Team is committed to planting churches, but we see that Bible translation is a necessary part of that process. There is currently an opportunity in Cameroon for church planters to come alongside Bible translators working among the Nizaa people, an Islamic group that is resisting the Gospel. For more information: CLICK HERE.
Opportunities for Teachers (Wednesday, March 14, 2018)
World Team needs MK teachers and homeschool tutors in Haiti, Cameroon, Papua, Philippines, Cambodia, Moldova, Spain, and the Dominican Republic. Teachers not only impact MKs, but help keep families on the field, so they can reach the lost with the gospel!
Opportunity to serve in Cameroon (Sunday, January 28, 2018)
With increasing deforestation in Cameroon, the nomadic forest-dwelling Baka are being forced to find new ways to survive. Believers  are finally interested in developing ways to care for their families, but a community development worker would be a big help in their battle against poverty. For info, contact Nathan.Conrod@worldteam.org.
Opportunity to serve in France (Monday, January 8, 2018)
Want to serve on a multi-cultural team with a big vision? WT France's vision is to have a church for every 10,000 people (instead of the current 1 church per 38,000 people). To learn more about the various roles and gifts needed on their teams, click here or contact Info-Europe@Worldteam.org.

Opportunity to Serve in Papua (Monday, May 22, 2017)
Papua is home to Hillcrest International School, assisting many missionaries to Indonesia in their educational needs. The last few years have seen an increased uncertainty related to upcoming staff, recruitment is down. WT currently supplies 2 teachers to the school and is committed to seeing it continue for the next generation. They are in dire need of more teachers, please check out the Hillcrest International School Website and watch this video to see needs.

Contact: Ed.Johnson@worldteam.org for more information or questions .
Opportunity for Churches to Help (Monday, October 10, 2016)
WT is excited about the Latin America initiative - we are partnering with FAM International, a fraternity of nine Spanish-speaking sending countries. 15 WT fields are interested. Three fields are already talking to a couple and 2 candidates in Central America about serving on our teams. We are asking God for like-minded churches in N.A. and Europe who will also join with us. Click here for more info or contact: chuck.sutton@worldteam.org.
Opportunity to Serve in Cambodia
 (Monday, Sept 26, 2016)
Western Cham in Cambodia are a UPG, WT has a small presence, but we need more people willing to reach these Muslims for Christ. This link has more info. to share & can be used on social media. Contact: Jeannie.Hartsfield@worldteam.org.  Pray; share!

Needs in Cameroon:

1. Teachers for the Rainforest International School
The Rainforest International School is a school in the capital (Yaoundé) where many of our friends' kids attend. It is likely that when our kids get to highschool age they will attend RFIS as well. This is a great opportunity to help further the cause of missions. Missionaries care a lot about the education that their children receive.

Here are the teaching positions they are currently looking for:
  • English as a Second Language Specialist
  • Math - Middle School
  • Math - High School
  • Music - Choir, Lessons, or Instrumental
  • Science - Chemistry or Biology
  • Science - Middle School
  • Social Studies - Government or History
There are also non-teaching positions available. Check out more information: http://rfis.org/staffing-needs-20132014/

2. Dorm Parents
For those families that do not live in Yaoundé, there is a dorm available right next to RFIS. This allows the kids to stay and attend the school during the school year. One big need is for a couple that can stay at the dorm to run things and help disciple the kids. Right now we have a couple planning on leaving their village ministry to do this for a year, but starting in 2017 we have no one to run the dorm.

Check out the job description: https://us.worldteam.org/go/details/dorm-parent-in-cameroon

Do you know someone who would love to further missions by ministering to Cameroonian missionaries in this way? Send them the link: https://us.worldteam.org/go/details/teacher-administrator-in-cameroon

Check out all the opportunities at: https://us.worldteam.org/go/

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